100 Years, May 16-18
We are thankful to the Lord for His goodness and bountiful blessings to us over the past week. The activities through the week went very well and the week was culminated in a Christ honouring weekend of teaching from the Scriptures by very capable brethren. The meetings were very well attended and the Ministry given was encouraging and all seemed to have enjoyed the fellowship and we thank the Lord that to our knowledge all have returned home safe.
Thank you also to many in other places who have prayed for the 100 year anniversary week, we know that it through your prayers and interest that the Lord enabled all to be completed in a manner that
acknowledged the Lord's Faithfulness for the past century.Now we pray that as we continue the work here at Chitokoloki, that we may be focussed on His Name and that many may come to know the Lord through visiting this place for medical or other needs.A few more pictures from the conference and previous days.