Spiritual Emphasis
The activities of the Mission Station are many and varied, hospital being the most demanding, but almost every day of the week there are meetings, clubs, classes and other means of Gospel outreach. The hospital has a PA system that reaches all the Wards plus the second Hospital where there are other patients as well as the relatives that accompany the patients and stay in this compound while there relatives are receiving medical attention.
Assembly Activity
On the Mission compound there are two buildings used by the assembly, one of these being close to the Leprosy Colony. The assembly at Chitokoloki has approximately 150 in fellowship and the order of meetings on Sundays is, Gospel 9:00 AM followed by the Lord’s Supper and Ministry at 10:30 AM. Almost every day of the week there are meetings at various times during the day or evening. In the catchment area there are approximately 25 assemblies, most very small and needing much teaching.
Gospel Outreach
Many opportunities exist at Chitokoloki for sharing the Good News message of the Gospel. A Public Address system is installed in the hospital with speakers in each of the Wards, Waiting Area plus throughout the “Old Hospital” compound where patients, relatives and visitors gather. In addition the two local schools covering grades 1 through to 12 are always asking for help in teaching a Government approved Curriculum called Bible Knowledge for which they have to write an exam. This is an excellent venue for presenting the Gospel and having an influence on the lives of young people. The many assemblies in the area also are always welcoming help. Monday to Friday the work day commences at 7:15 with both maintenance and hospital staff gathering for a time of singing and reading the Scriptures.
Adjacent to the hospital is a well stocked Christian Bookroom which provides Bibles, books and other supplies to the community as well as the many who travel from great distances to purchase items. Most of the books sold are substantially subsidized as the local people could not afford to pay the cost of the books.

Conference Center
At the area called the Colony, many changes have been done since it was first built. A large section of the land of the Colony including 68 of the houses has been incorporated into a modern Conference Center A new conference hall has been built with full catering and kitchen facilities including solar hot water. Two separate ablution and shower blocks have been added and a separate visitor section with it’s own facilities. For accommodation all the houses have been renovated to accommodate 3 people in each house and they have electricity and are fully furnished The facility is used for Christian conferences, seminars and workshops as well as local use to gather young people together for an evening session or to show a video. One of the benefits of this facility is that it brings Christians together from different parts of Zambia to be able to have fellowship with each other and encourage each other.