Solar Team visited again
We once again had the real privilege of having a team from Team Workers with us for 6 weeks to continue
the upgrading of the electrical systems in the hospital, houses, maintenance and water supply. They have returned numerous consecutive years, last year visited twice, and have worked very hard and accomplished so much to help the Mission in the supplying of electricity through solar. This year a total of 84 by 290 watt panels arrived along with all the hardware, controllers, inverters etc. and installations were done not only at Chitokoloki but they also travelled by plane to Dipalata and Sakeji.They continued working right up to an hour before their plane was due to take them from Chitokoloki to Lusaka for the flight leaving for Canada the same day. In addition to new installations many improvements were done to existing systems along with all the "extra" challenges that we impose upon them,As has been often said what Chitokoloki is today, apart from the goodness, grace and provisions of the Lord, is due to those who have gone before and those who are an
integral part of the work here even though not full time here. These men and women are as much a part of the work as those of us here for longer periods.In conjunction with the wells drilled by the well drilling team, 2 were drilled at the base of the water tower and solar panels placed on the top of the tower to pump water from bore hole wells all by solar.