Team Workers & Visitors

 Team worekrs 2It has been great to have another visit by the Team Workers crew who have again being a tremendous help. Don and Carol McKay, Murray Riddolls, Nathan Harris, Ron Spohr, Ken Wagler and Tim McDougall. Mark Heikoop and Brad Bouman  joined them and were introduced to the well drilling challenges in Zambia. The station has been a hub of activity for the last month and much was accomplished in so many improvements, maintenance and electrical and solar installations in all areas. Don advised us that Chitokoloki Mission now has 65 kva power at hospital and slightly more for houses and maintenance areas, all generated from solar. In the picture below Ron is seen working with Robert Clark checking the batteries in the bank at hospital where there are 96 x 1200 AH batteries.Ken, Mark and Brad worked hard in drilling several wells in the Chitokoloki area as well as at Katombi where Margie Gould lives and also near Dipalata Mission. Going to other areas with the drill rig was a challenge and involved packing all that would be required and towing the well drilling trailer over some very rough and muddy roads.The wells are all very enthusiastically received by the villagers and are always a real blessing to them.Chitokoloki also enjoyed at the same time a visit by Dr. and Mrs Zoltan & Eva Maszarovics and their son Luke who were at Chitokoloki for 2 weeks visiting from Kalene.Pictured below are the four Team Workers visitors plus Chris Brundage, Henry Dyck and Philip Grainger. team workers Ron & Robert ZoltanDon & carol


Well Drilling


Continuation of Solar Panels Installation