Week of September 15, 2019
The week of September 15th began by having a double funeral on Sunday, the burial taking place right after the morning meetings. Both of those who were buried were quite elderly, one a lady by the name of Ziddia and the other a man by the name of Dawson.
Dawson was a leprosy patient and has lived at the Leprosy Colony here at Chitokoloki for over 25 years. He was crippled with deformed feet and hands, blind and yet somehow he managed to walk the 3/4 kilometer from the Colony to the Church building every Sunday for many years. At the funeral it was mentioned that here on earth he had no physical sight but he did have spiritual sight while many who were gathered may have had physical sight but still blind spiritually. We were also reminded by David McAdam today that at a conference some years past, at the end of one of the meetings he sood up and on his own sang in the local language;
"Oh Lord my God when I in awesome wonder, Considered all the worlds your hands have made........................ Then sings my soul my Saviour God to thee, How great thou art."
The week continued on Thursday where a retirement function was held for a staff member by the name of Chali Kabwita (yes that is how he spells his first name). Chali started working for the hospital here at Chitokoloki in June 1973 and 46 years later we celebrated his retirement having served the people of Chitokoloki, faithfully for all these years. Chali was the longest serving staff member and he began in 1973 in the laundry, then later in kitchen and later was taught how to distribute medicine and for the past 15 years has been in charge of the "old Hospital" compound.