100th Anniversary

sunsetsunset       The 100th  Anniversary of Chitokoloki Mission will be commemorated during the week of May 12th to 19th, 2014.Plans are still in progress however some activities will be every day during the week, most will be at 15:00 hours except the Official Program on Wednesday which will be at 10:30 hours.The theme will be " 100 Years of God's Faithfulness"

  • Monday 12th - School Program day when the local schools will put on a program and also some sports activities.
  • Tuesday 13th - slide show and memories of the past years
  • Wednesday 14th - Official program, 10:30 hours, His Honour the Vice-President Dr. Guy L. Scott will be representing the President.
  • Thursday 15th - Staff Program day when staff will perform their own program
  • Friday 16th - 18th Church Conference commencing in the evening of the 16th.

More details will follow as made available.


Theme: 100 Years of God's Faithfulness


"Well done, good and faithful servant"