Theme: 100 Years of God's Faithfulness
Plans are well underway for the anniversary on the week of May 12th. We have been notified of many who are coming from within Zambia and also from other Countries. It is anticipated that there will be a "full house" and so we have made some arrangements for lodges in Zambezi to accommodate some visitors.The theme "100 Years of God's Faithfulness" truly is a statement that has been true right from the beginning of the work at Chitokoloki and continues today.Several sports activities have been planned and we are continuing to accept suggestions for other venues. The main function on the 14th will be held in the hanger at the airstrip where we will also be erecting a number of tents.The conference meetings will begin at 19:00 hours on Friday and continue all day Saturday and end Sunday morning.We are praying that the book that has been in written about Chitokoloki will be completed in time but it will be a miracle if we are able to get some copies here for the function.